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I loved having painted fingernails in Venice. |
He wants to feel relief, plus Abraham slams it home (Part 2 of 2)
and I basked once I got into my bed. By basked, I mean I just experienced the pillow, the comforters, the sheets, the wonderful mattress, etc. I reveled in being physical, really, and then I went to sleep. When I awoke and realized I was in the Vortex, I basked some more and then put some soft, comfortable clothing on over my wonderful silk long underwear that keeps me so warm. I had a quick glass of water and headed to my meditation station, which is an overstuffed chair situated between two tables filled with books, notepads, writing implements, and other "supplies" (a bell, a candle, crystals, a music box, a mirror, glasses, Post-It flags, highlighters and an array of decks of angel/well-being/inspirational cards from several sources including Abraham). I love this wonderful space in my living room that is charged with beautiful energy. I did my meditation and I started a focus wheel. I got as far as the 8th statement and I was solidly in the Vortex and milking it. I spent time in there thinking about my friends and family and seeing them through the eyes of Source and just loving all of them.
By then it was getting to be 10 AM and I decided I'd make my green drink and listen to the Abraham video again. This was the first time I'd used red kale with the cucumber, celery, apple, lime and ginger and it made a really pretty drink that I wanted to photograph. When I retrieved my camera from my art bag in my car the screen looked odd. I think my camera was frozen and the pictures looked very ghostlike so I didn't get a good shot. I started to worry about my camera but decided being in the Vortex was more important. My camera is fine, by the way.
I listened to homebuiltindoorplane's video (his name is Dave!) several times and basked in the content. There are so many things that Abraham is saying that have already happened to me. Since starting the blog, I've noticed that my body feels wonderful. If I get an ache or a pain, I focus on an area of my body that feels good and the pain subsides or disappears. I have energy and stamina. Staying in the Vortex is getting easier and easier and I am having a lot of fun. Being out of the Vortex is uncomfortable because being in is so wonderful. I also listened to another of Dave's YouTube offerings, which is about a healer named Bruno Groening:
This is one of Dave's personally narrated videos and it is very cool.
I got to the pool just in time to squeeze in my 45 minutes of in-the-Vortex exercise and felt just wonderful afterwards. I listened to an Abraham CD (the Money book) in my car as I bopped to the pool and made other stops. Abraham responds to Jerry's questions on this CD and the subject was work. Abraham says that the purpose of life is joy and that if we stay in the Vortex and enjoy our lives, anything that we want in the way of work must materialize. Very inspiring. Recently I heard a great analogy on this same CD about being in alignment and in the Vortex. It went something like this:
Imagine that you're running down a very long corridor to get to something that you really want. Every 20 feet or so, there's a door that you must slow down to open and run the next 20 feet and so on. This is life not in the Vortex. If you're in the Vortex, all the doors are opened before you reach them and you just get to sail on through as fast as you want to go.
Everywhere I went tonight, people smiled at me and chatted me up. People like the wonderful boy in the pool who was playing with his little brother. The lovely blonde woman pulling into the parking space next to me. The clerk at the video store was jovial. A fellow customer at Big Lots and I had a long Cuttlebug, paper, sticker conversation. The cashier shared her falling-in-love story with me.
My fabulous partner and I took a walk in the very cold evening weather after a light dinner and that's when I began blogging. It's a few short minutes until 2011 and I am psyched because I've been in the Vortex for the entire day basically. I slipped out a couple of times and remembered from the homebuiltindoorplane video that examining any negative thought or emotion is something that can be accomplished in a flash. And since my dominant intent is to get back into the Vortex, that's what I did. An A+++++++++ day times at least 5 today. Happy New Year!!!