Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Abraham: Wonderful Jerry

Nearing the end of a wonderful Vortex meditation I heard the bird tweet sound my phone makes to signal that I've received an email. I observed myself wondering about who might be contacting me and finished the meditation which had soothed me into the Vortex. I sat for a few moments and milked the delicious physical sensations of warmth and expansion in my chest.  I picked up my phone and read  "Jerry Made His Transition". The email included the following words from Esther:

Dear, dear Friends, 
Our sweet Jerry made his transition into Nonphysical last Friday. How sweet the Vortex is feeling to him today!

Jerry said to me when we came together over 30 years ago that given the difference in our ages that it was likely “that I will cut out on you early,” to which I replied, “I don’t mind.” His joy of life and continual new discovery of purpose kept his life feeling fresh and we shared such joyous eagerness for life.

Over the years, Abraham has consistently insisted that there is no death. Again and again they have reminded us that there is only life and more life and more life. It has taken me some time to understand this, and I honestly must say I have not yet fully come to terms with it, but I do believe that in what we are calling Jerry’s death he is discovering the next logical step of life that Abraham has always been talking about. And at times I am catching a glimpse of the bigness of what Jerry is feeling and while I am still pretty mad at him for not sticking around longer to surprise and delight me in all the ways he has been doing throughout our 30 years together I accept fully that the next logical step of joyous life for Jerry was to be found in his re-emergence into Nonphysical.

Since 1985 it has been Jerry and Esther and Abraham and I believe with everything that I am that that has not changed. I know that Jerry will continue to be the third powerful point of the triad of Energy that makes up the Abraham experience and I am certain that his new vantage point will be, as it has always been, of advantage to us all.

I know for sure that Jerry will help me, in time, release my own personal resistance to physical death, because I will not be able to maintain that resistance and also play easily with him. And my desire to continue not only my Abraham experience but also my Jerry experience I am certain he will be the catalyst to help me do what Abraham has been trying to help us all do all along.

Once again, Jerry is out there leading the way for me. But the difference this time is that I must find the way. I am not there yet, but it is my absolute promise to myself that I will find the way, because it is the most natural thing in the world to do and because Jerry has provided for me the reason to do it.

I am eager about what is ahead and while I cannot begin to explain or even imagine the details of how it is all going to play out, I am certain that it will be fun.

I am such a fortunate girl, to have been able to play with Jerry and Abraham and all of you for so many wonderful years and I am so eager to continue doing more of the same for many more years to come. I feel certain right now that not only has nothing gone wrong, but things are going especially right. It will be different, for sure, but it will also be very, very good.

I’m feeling such love for you all, and for Abraham and most of all for Jerry. And as I have said to him a thousand or more times through the years, “Well isn’t life just a kick in the pants?”


Jerry, we love you and look forward to your further amazing contributions to the expansion of the Universe.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Abraham: Source Likes What It Creates

Madonna vision.

Several of you out there have recently heard me allude to some contrast I have experienced of late in regard to my creative endeavors. It came up last night in one of our fabulous local Abraham groups where the topic was financial well-being. I talked about the line in the Vortex meditation on finance which reminds us that we will know we have released resistance to our abundance when the success of another makes our heart sing. I absolutely love to look at the amazing things that others create--I find it stimulating and inspiring. When I'm in the Vortex I am thrilled for all those artists. I also recently shared with an Abraham friend about a painting project I'm working on. I returned a call from this friend after I had walked away from the task in frustration. I've been in the Vortex about this undertaking since I made the commitment to do this piece for a fundraiser. This project has taken many forms in my creative Vortex. At first, my ideas centered around collage, which is something I'm very comfortable doing. My approach eventually evolved into copying a painting and adding 3-D elements. The day I discussed this project with my friend, I had spent several hours recreating the painting. Even though I walked away from it somewhat pinched off, I did feel the reassuring presence of Source. My friend confirmed the message: leave it for now. When I returned for a look yesterday, I was very happy with what I had created and am eager to get back to work on it. And because I have a steady foothold in my creative Vortex, the Universe provided me with a customized message in the form of a YouTube video from the fabulous Beatrixme. In this clip Abraham speaks of the creative process in relation to the actual artistic manifestation which is very satisfying. But what's really satisfying to me is the elucidation of the creative process in relation to the business side of art. I'm not sure I've heard this question hit so head-on. Very satisfying and Vortexy to me. Life on the leading edge is so much fun. Thanks to all of you Abraham appreciators who read and comment and co-create in the expansion of the Universe!

Here's the link:

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Abraham: Woke Up Laughing

I guess it's time to start saying "last summer".

I actually began laughing a good 15 minutes after I opened my eyes. I woke up fretting about something (blessed and now welcome contrast). I whooshed myself into the Vortex by doing a little Somatic Experiencing. I began by tracking the physical sensation associated with the fret. This I accomplished by visiting the constricted areas and watching those constrictions amplify momentarily, shift to other sites in my body, manifest myriad associated sensation and eventually dissolve, thus making way for the buzzing warmth that, in my body, signals and accompanies the basking "entering the Vortex" vibration.* 

Once I begin basking, my natural tendency is to start thinking of jokes--especially if I'm lying next to Fabulous Partner, who is an easy laugher on a weekend morning. I thought of wordplay that might amuse a 5th-grader and made myself laugh. I HAD to tell the newly hatched witticism to FP and, as expected, he tittered and giggled along with me. We spent the next half-hour or so in our jokefunlaugh Vortex that raised my vibration even higher. I puttered and appreciated my way through a delightful segment in the kitchen and brought my delicious coffee drink into the TV/Computer room. YouTube beckoned. I've kept myself so busy lately that I haven't kept up with my Abraham clip viewing. My neocortex, lovely and wise as it is, sometimes produces thoughts based on its love of novelty. Often when I see that someone has added clips from "old" Abraham workshops, I get a little crotchety (by the way, this is the word I woke up laughing about). I almost skipped the newest clips in the queue because they are from (GASP!) 2002. I'm really glad I didn't because I received some delightful evidence of my alignment. I mentioned that I've been busy lately and I have. I've also been in the Vortex as I've accomplished many wonderful things. Often as I'm getting ready for bed, I'll think, hey, I didn't meditate today. Sometimes I guilt myself just a bit even if I've had a great day. Thank you, Abraham, for reminding me (way back in 2002) that anything can be a meditation. I love this "new" definition they offer in this clip:
"Meditation is the process whereby you can teach yourself the vibration of connection."

I also love this amazing and clarifying clip from the same workshop:

I almost sold this little one-inch-tall penguin
at a garage sale. The woman wasn't willing to pay a dollar for it and I'm glad she didn't. I've had a lot of fun posing it with other tiny objects.

*I keep telling you that I'm working on sussing out the connection between the teachings of Abraham and Somatic Experiencing. Well, I received a block of thought recently that clarified this beautiful correlation, which I recognized on a cellular level yet could not quite articulate. I am currently joyously working on telling this juicy new story and will keep you updated. It's Super Neon Cool, people. The process I describe in the opening paragraph is part of the evolution of that story, so stay tuned.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Abraham: Who We Truly Are

Roses I manifested as evidence of my alignment. They showed up in a shopping cart at Winco one hot afternoon. Wilted though they were, they survived the shopping trip, and my 90 minutes at 24-Hour Fitness. Did you know that if you cut the stems of wilted roses under running water, they can come back to life like that rose in the middle (which represents me, I'd say)?? I learned that  tip from a Portland matron who owned a restaurant where I worked in the seventies. Thank you, Colleen.

September 9th
I cannot even begin to tell you how wonderful I feel right now! It's a bit of a paradox, really, because I woke up experiencing physical symptoms that most would interpret as a classic I'm-coming-down-with-something situation. I started to take that road so well-trodden by the herd:

I focused on the kind of discomfort I experienced and where it was showing up in my physical apparatus.

I shared the information with fabulous partner to elicit sympathy.

I classified and categorized the symptoms and fished out a diagnosis from the sea of terminology identifying "illnesses" that most of us recognize and believe in.

I began calling it by a well-known disease name.

I joined, temporarily, those who believe in the germ theory and focused more strongly on the symptoms. The symptoms worsened.

And then I remembered who I really am.

I remembered that when I don't feel well physically, emotionally, spiritually or mentally, it is totally my own creation. 

I remembered that by the time something manifests physically, it is because I have ignored the call of Source repeatedly and did not take the expansion that contrast offers me. 

I remembered that a physical manifestation means that I am not keeping up with who I really am. As you read through this post, which I began long ago, you will see the genesis of the knowing that I recently received that allows me to rejoice over a set of symptoms that remind me that I am a powerful creator. 

One Abraham analogy that recently came into focus for me is "Yuma to Phoenix". Fundamental, modest--elegant, really, yet I just wasn't getting it and I knew it. I looked at it from many angles and finally came up with my own method of interpretation. I plugged in the names of my town and the town 50 miles north that I visit often. Bingo! I finally got that I believe in Portland every time I begin that journey. I don't question it because I am completely confident that Portland is there and that my car and I will arrive every single time. It's just a done-deal. That is faith. Based on that faith, I make the trip and I get there. 

Okay. So do I really believe that I can be or have or do anything that I want? The answer is YES because I have been in the Vortex and I have glimpsed what's in there. I hear the call of Source every day and I answer that call regularly enough to know from inside the Vortex that it's all in there waiting for me. It's just that when I'm outside the Vortex I stop believing in Portland and now I see how funny that is. Portland is there. Portland is real, or as real as anything gets. I have faith in Portland. 

At one point I sat with the "faith" sensation and experienced it in my body. I tracked the sensations of "faith". I remembered that action alone means nothing--it is faith in the outcome that makes me confident enough to take action. I am almost constantly offered opportunities to make things happen in my own life. I take the ones that seem like sure things and up to now have hesitated when I'm not sure how it will turn out and when I begin second guessing. "What will people think?" is a thought that underlies much of this second guessing. 

So today when I turned up "sick" in my here and now, I decided to ignore the symptoms, get into the Vortex and to take no action until I found those sensations of faith. I decided to listen for the call of Source in an attitude of self-love, relaxation and confidence that I would know exactly what to do. Results: 

WOW! I got totally inspired. I've been wavering on some action steps for one of my goals. I made a decision and lined up with it and saw the steps laid out for me. I spent roughly an hour "doing" and when I wanted a break, I took one. You knew, didn't you, that I went to YouTube where I discovered another amazing Abraham excerpt. I then felt inspired to finish this blogpost and here we are, Co-Creators. I'm going to have faith that these inspired words I've written over the last few weeks will resonate and I'm not going to do any more fiddling. I'm confident you'll all find your way through the post without any further explanation. I love you all! Enjoy. Here's today's link:

Wednesday, August 24th
I have been in and out of the Vortex recently. In on a number of subjects consistently and out consistently on others. I also find I'm in and out on different aspects of the same subjects. For instance, I'm head-over-heels in love with my new kitchen. It's so gorgeous and it is such a reflection of a side of me that many people didn't even know was there. I love vintage and funky and artsy and weird. Ethnic, colorful, Bohemian, crazy, and wild are all tags I've used to describe my artwork and the merchandise that I sell and they are truly a reflection of who I am. But we are multi-dimensional brilliant creators, don't forget. We have the ability to conjure anything. When I was dreaming this kitchen, I let the stream carry me in a whole different direction. My kitchen is retro-modern with very clean lines--almost all of them straight. In fact, the curves are few and subtle: the handles on the appliances are all arcs; the cabinet pulls are comprised of cylinders; the glass tiles feature curved edges; the bullnose on the counter tile curves, and the faucet and the fan sport curves as well. It's elegant and very calming and much more minimal than anyone expected, I think. I am totally in the Vortex about how the design turned out and about how wonderful the space is to work in. And because it is so clean and spare, I've spent a significant amount of time doing Step One work--worrying, in this case--about what to move back into the space and what to leave out. I manifest amazing and beautiful possessions because I love clever gadgets and time-savers, appreciate beautiful design, adore bargains, and love to try new things. These treasures appear constantly and delight me. When we moved out of our old kitchen, I did a lot of de-manifestation and found it to be challenging at first and then a lot of fun. I've let myself be very slow about moving into our new space so that I could watch how I do things and place necessary objects in wonderful, convenient locations. Fabulous partner has also been busy creating and our house and garage have new roofs. Every project has a host of sub-projects and those things have affected kitchen progress. So, I'm in the Vortex about the look and feel of the kitchen. I'm in on the subject of working in my kitchen. And, aren't I precious, I've been out on the subject of what goes and what stays. 

Today was the first day in a long time that no one and nothing needed my direct attention. No contractors or workers with whom to consult. No appointments, no unavoidable errands and fabulous partner is out of town. It's an unusual kind of day for me--I've been a busy person for months and months, it seems. I chose to laze about and meditate in my bed this morning. I basked and appreciated the heck out of the temperature, the late summer sun, the bedding, Abraham, Esther's voice and pleasant thoughts of upcoming visitors whom I love and adore. I listened to a podcast as I ironed in the still-cool morning. I eventually wandered into a breakfast of cappuccino and figs picked from our backyard tree. I pre-paved on the subject of getting ready for guests tomorrow and decided that I would fiddle around with my pantry organizing project. That pre-paving included a lot of self-love. It's funny to me that I not only worry about what others think of me, I worry about what I think of me in regard to owning material objects. 

It got hot today and I decided to work as slowly as I wanted and to take a lot of breaks so that I was constantly entertained by the process. I loved sorting through items and finding new locations for some things and new homes for others. I took a lunch break, watched some TV and then I got very excited by the idea of checking out my YouTube subscriptions. I had built up a backlog of delightful videos to watch. 

Yes, I felt a delighted anticipation of what I would find there. No, I did not expect to have my world rattled quite so vigorously. How can one prepare to learn (be reminded, to be more accurate) that the reason we love Abraham so very much is that we ARE Abraham. My thoughts recently led me to the realization that those who call themselves Abraham comprise any number of those dead ones we love and admire and even revile. From close personal acquaintances (Hi, Mom; Hi, Roland) to those most wise or wicked we know only through studies or passions, perhaps, the Abraham amalgam might contain John Lennon on Tuesday and Buddha on Thursday night. Such pleasant thinking, that. Yet there I sat all goose-pimply, listening as Esther's voice delivered me the message that Infinite Intelligence chose for me that day:

"That which is Abraham, which is predominantly from the label Abraham, projecting from nonphysical is now focused in those like you, in those like Esther, in those like Jerry. In other words, you are the physical manifestation of that."

Shut the front door!!! Okay, maybe you all out there are saying, "Well, I knew that. We are physical beings with non-physical roots, so of course we are Source energy, which logically implies that we are Abraham."

Okay, so I'm behind the curve a little maybe, but I just wasn't up-to-speed on this little tidbit. Abraham goes on to say, 

"We want you to not work so hard at understanding the separation and make your effort toward allowing the blending."

They go on to speak about contrast in a delicious way. I actually sat and transcribed a section of the clip because it took me several times through to embody those concepts. This is vintage Abraham brought to us by Dave of homebuiltindoorplane yet again. Much love and appreciation to Dave for the steady delivery of...., of...... ME to ME, I would have to say now that I understand this. 

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I love being Abraham. Here are the links:

In addition, you've got to check out this amazing film that Nick from Great Britain is putting together. He does an Abraham/LOA meetup in London and I absolutely love what he's doing. This preview I found to be delicious, practical, entertaining, exciting and I've already expressed this to Nick, whom I've admired since I first encountered him through YouTube and through his podcast. Geewow, I think you will love this, too:

through Oh, and while I was tracking down that link, I found a second preview, which I am including sight unseen. Since I am in the Vortex and milking it right now, I KNOW it's gonna be good:

As you can see from the date on this entry, I began this writing long ago. It is now two weeks later roughly (who's counting, though, since time doesn't actually exist) and I thought I'd like to post today. This is fabulous partner's birthday week and we celebrate tonight and Saturday night, too. I Vortexed a really cool creation which took many hours and which delighted me and pleased him very much. My inspiration for this piece began with a YouTube video in which an artist made her own large tags and created contrasting hole reinforcers from patterned paper. I wanted to try that. On a recent Artist Date at Scrap (a recycled craft supply warehouse in Portland on MLK btwn Stanton and Morris, if you're interested), I came across some cardstock stickers I would usually pass up. I got them thinking they'd make a nice card for my guy's birthday. As often happens in my studio when I'm creating for someone I love, the project snowballed into a tagbook with enclosures. I painted, punched, glued and stamped. I solved problem after problem I created for myself and my neocortex buzzed and basked its way through hours. I ignored the phone, the cat, and most of all, time. Time is infinite in the Vortex and energy flowed through me in huge abundance. So today I felt a little groggy until I sang a bit and tweaked the tag book enclosures and puttered in my studio and rode myself right back into the Vortex, which eventually landed me here writing once again to you lovely and wonderful and brilliant creators. Aren't we fabulous? 

Here's what I made:

This is the tag book showing the pocket side and the inserts. 

This photo shows the stickers that inspired the project. The stickers are large so the tag book is about 6" long. I altered the stickers with paints and inks and did the same with the background papers I used. All materials are recycled bits and pieces I have picked up along the way.

The scrapbook paper I used for the inserts came from a book of papers from the early 2000's. I love altering outdated or discarded materials. Fabulous partner really appreciated the color palette and the movement in the paint finishes. He liked the fact that I was totally in the Vortex when I made this for him.
Me, too!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Abraham: Awakening In The Vortex/Angelic Connections

I love vintage housewares!

Greetings from the Vortex, all you lovely, wonderful Souls out there. Wherever you are in proximity to the Vortex, just know that Source is there beckoning you and offering countless paths to this blissful pasture (I'll wind backwards to this reference, I promise).

Here's what I think I'm discovering this morning. Your entryways into your Vortex are tailored specifically for you in delightful and sometimes almost bizarre ways, if that's your thing--I know bizarre suits me. I just heard from a friend a random thought he had about my fabulous partner. The gist: throw a beard and a top hat on him and he'd look a lot like Abraham Lincoln. I am stoked about this comment on several levels! Obviously, I LOVE that the name "Abraham" is woven into this multidimensional cosmic joke, especially since it connects to fabulous partner. I admit that when I first heard the observation, I could have gone into some judgment--I felt the tug. Happily, I've been joyriding the Vortex enough recently to ignore that and go with the fun; if you know me at all, you know that I'm always talking about how I want to have fun. So, there I stood slapping a beard and a stovepipe onto the image of my beloved and knowing that it made almost no sense and still it made me laugh. Then I began reveling in the thought that our friend came up with this totally unexpected idea and that he said it out loud. I started thinking about Abraham Lincoln and remembering how when I was a girl, I worked my way methodically through an entire series of cloud-gray clothbound biographies at the Gold Hill Library.* I realized that I would often develop crushes on these historical subjects. My crush on Abraham Lincoln lasted quite a bit longer than most, fueled as it was by a drawing of a beardless young Abe I had seen somewhere. I began appreciating my ability to conjure so many happy memories from what most would deem a broken childhood. I appreciate the concept that nothing is broken, and that all is well and I enjoy that thought even as I write. 

Almost the minute I reunited with my fabulous partner, I told him about the Abraham Lincoln incident and he immediately caught the wave of humor and we laughed over it. I stayed up a little later than he did and I laughed as I got into bed and told him about my Lincoln crush. I remembered it almost the minute I awakened and we milked the humor together as we started our day. In fact, the first thing I said to him this morning was, "Hey, there, Abraham Lincoln, get over here so I can give you a hug."

"Get over here, you feisty heifer," he replied, and yes, I laughed and yes, there's the link to the Vortex pasture reference.

So here's what we've been doing: We've been practicing the vibration of the Vortex. And even though that particular pathway was specific to me and my taste in humor and my appreciation of the somewhat bizarre observation, my partner allowed himself to be ignited by it too. 

So how has this all turned out? I've had the most lovely morning! I did dishes and swept and tidied and showered and lounged barefoot with my coffee.  I appreciated aloud all the aspects I enjoyed along the way: 

"I love seeing a cleared-off counter." 
"I adore feeling a newly-swept floor under my bare feet."
"Espresso with honey and cream tastes marvelous."

I also began seeing clearly how contrast creates expansion. Every comment I've listed is one I've expressed or thought about in a negative way many, many times in the past. I felt the tug of judgment several times as I went to YouTube for further expansion. I practiced feeling the tug and reaching for appreciation instead. All of this wonderful expansion has been helped by some recent videos from The Happy Jackster, whom I believe I have mentioned in a previous blog. Jacqueline Paesano Wood is a YouTube Goddess whom I appreciate greatly, because she consistently delivers wonderful, honest content as she practices what she calls high vibes. She and her co-creator, Liz Green, also talk about living in Easy World, the one you create as you navigate life from inside your Vortex. Happy Jackster's two videos on money have really stirred up something in me that I feel has been bubbling up again and again. I believe I've said it here before (I often don't remember what I've written, though, so.....), much of what gets stuck in my craw boils down to "What will people think?"

Jacqueline has adapted some processes that I think are really cool. So cool, in fact, that I will be using these vids when I sit in for our host at next Saturday's LOA Meetup here in Salem. Enjoy her:

In addition, I expected to find something wondrous along the way as I Vortex-surfed this morning. I don't often talk about Angels and Archangels in the Vortex Diary, but I confer with them, if not often, at least regularly. Angels saved my life on at least two occasions and saved my soul when I was thirteen. Angelic intervention is very real to me and I enjoy thinking about Angels very much. Angels led me to Abraham, and to this wonderful life that I now enjoy, so let's hear it for Angels! In my short exploration this morning, a video led me to the title of a book which I will manifest soon called "Angels In My Hair". I adored the video I found when I went to Amazon:

Have a delightful day and even if you don't, remember that you are precious and thank you so much for contributing to the expansion of the Universe. When you have those Step One moments, maybe you'll remember to say, "You're welcome, Universe!"

*Many tangents tempt me here. A short vignette on Jewell Routh, the cigarette-smoking volunteer librarian/social critic/raconteur, for one, but I'll save it. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Abraham: Evidence of Being In Complete Control of EVERYTHING

This is one of my Frida Kahlo Flags (I've been obsessed with Frida since I was a teen). I did a series of these a couple of years back.

I awoke pretty much in the Vortex this morning. Fabulous partner had taken the day off so I knew I'd get to visit with him in a much more leisurely manner than is usual for a weekday. I've been deeply immersed, off and on, in some artwork projects (creating a Junk Journal or Smashbook, making the tags I showed you in the last blogpost, doing my own version of Zendoodling in which I add bright colors to what is usually only done in black and white and attempting to create my own Washi tape). I listen to a lot of Abraham on YouTube, but I also follow a lot of sister artistes who generously share their endeavors and spark me into "having" to make something--a feeling that I relish. If you're interested in any of these somewhat obscure art projects, just google any one of the terms and you'll find lots of info. 

In addition to my personal art endeavors, the new season of Project Runway just began and a very good friend and I meet every Thursday to view the newest episode. We get WAY into it. If you're at all familiar with this particular reality series, you know that it's about fashion designers and that Portland area designers have won the competition a few times. There are two Portland designers this year, so it's pretty exciting. 

On top of that, a local Salem/Portland comic, Ron Funches appeared on Conan last night and got a TON of laughs and Conan called him "hilarious". Fabulous partner and I reviewed the performance this morning and reveled in Ron's success. We had both seen Ron open for Michael Ian Black at the Helium Comedy Club show that launched my recent excursion into live comedy. 

I showed my friend my homemade Washi tape last night and after she left, I began playing with it in my Junk Journal on my fabulous, perfect-height-for-me peninsula in my LOVELY kitchen which I appreciate time and again each day. I so impressed myself with my artistic brilliance that I went to bed in the Vortex. I could barely tear myself away from my journal this morning even though I was dressed for my morning walk and had my earphones hanging round my neck ready to listen to Prince in the park.

I experienced some contrast before my walk and I'll be darned if it didn't get stuck in my craw, as Abraham likes to say. I might have remembered an Abraham excerpt that I shared in a previous Vortex Diary blogpost, but noooo:

It's the one that answers the question about why we run into ornrey or intransigent folks even when we're in or near the Vortex ourselves. Abraham's response is that as uplifters, we can use those opportunities to be amused by those whose behavior may look to us to be OOV and to overpower the negative or fearful or controlling vibe with our own higher, positive vibration. We do this by seeing them through the eyes of Source. HA! That's not what I did....I bailed out of the Vortex and got my underwear in a bundle (AREN'T I PRECIOUS???) Here I was being given a chance to expand and I just wouldn't take my expansion right away (YOU'RE WELCOME, UNIVERSE!!!) Coolest thing ever is that I just got out of my own way and started allowing (my Step 3) a few minutes ago and it was magnificent. Here's what went down.

I set out on my walk with my resentment active in my thoughts. I didn't shake it right away, but eventually the music and the beauty of my little park and moving my body conspired and there I was in the Vortex. I ran into a lovely neighbor I worked with for years and I repeated the story of my resentment!!! Oh, aren't I precious setting off more rockets of desire asking to be treated fabulously wherever I go? Aren't I generous to get something stuck in my craw and to wait to take my expansion by staying in Step One just a little longer? 

Still, I had an endorphin high going and a lot of energy, so I extended my walk a bit and began gathering bits and bobs of trash as well as feathers and sticks. I have an art project in mind into which I'll incorporate these park finds. When I got home I enjoyed my breakfast and an espresso and nursed my resentment by keeping it running it in the background. Even though I thought of it consciously only in flashes, it was still charged and active in my vibration. It was active enough that I created a segment of errands in which nothing went well. I couldn't find a receipt for a return I had. I created an extra trip for myself. Traffic didn't flow well. You get the picture.... 

But here's the neatest thing of all. I knew that I was responsible for every event I experienced. "I did that!" I thought. I knew that I was creating the whole thing. I knew that all I had to do was to change my thinking and that I could create something completely different. I knew that the Vortex was right there. I knew that Source was calling me. How cool is that??????????

After all this transpired, I decided to just chill. That's when I re-read an email from a wonderful friend and Abraham fan who thanked me for the last Vortex Diary, which she said reminded her to reach for a better-feeling thought when she was OOV. I had to laugh, because she was actually reminding me to do exactly the same thing. I replied to her and could feel my vibration lifting. Since I was chilling anyway, I surfed over to YouTube and picked out a Vortexchillin75 video. I thought from the title that it was one that I'd heard recently, but that I think is wonderful. It was the excerpt I'd expected. I was hurtled into the Vortex immediately. I knew the story that Abraham was about to tell and the mere anticipation of the pleasure of hearing it again intoxicated me. 

"I did that!" I thought as I basked and listened and practiced the vibration of the Vortex. It so supercharged me that I have typed this whole blogpost at superspeed and enjoyed every minute of it. Here's the story for your listening enjoyment:

Love ya'; mean it! Bye.

P.S. Fabulous partner returned home and we decided on the I'd fly if he'd buy arrangement for dinner. A lovely young woman (probably going into her freshman year  this fall) held the door open for me as I came into the restaurant. The equally lovely young woman who worked there delivered my to go order to my table rather than call out my number. The first young woman whispered to her younger brother as I received my order and he ran to the door to hold it open for me. Evidence of our improved vibration is always there if we care to notice. Thank you, garage sale gals, for the expansion. You're welcome, Universe, for all of us doing our parts to offer expansion to you.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Abraham: Puttering, Prince and Veering in the Vortex

I manipulated this photo of a crazy-beautiful vintage creation with gorgeous crocheted edges. 

Hey, Y'All!
August already! I've been puttering in my basement studio today having a lot of fun making hang tags for my Etsy customers. I like to make their orders look fab when I send them off--sort of vintage variety store style. I love to wrap the item in brown paper and secure it with twine to the ends of which I've adhered beautiful circles of paper that I stamp with an appropriate sentiment like "Enjoy". I have an opulent profusion of papers from which to choose. I love taking an elderly or mousy pattern and transforming it. Now I'm thinking that I need to take pictures to show you all the results. This is a perfect example of what happens when I'm blogging:

I so adore talking about the things I relish in life that I'm flooded with ideas as I'm in the process of writing about them. I'm happily paddling down the beautiful Blog River and can't help but notice Photo-Op Creek or Papercraft Brook along the way. I start to get a bit agitated until I remember that none of us will ever run out of ideas or inspiration. I can relax and enjoy writing and I don't have to worry that I'll forget something or "lose" an idea, because for every magnificent inkling I might temporarily neglect, there are a hundred more lined up and ready to launch. Here's a picture of the package. Out of this came a small line of tags that I'll put on Etsy which are fancied up with a little glitter glue, but that's a whole other tangent:

SO much fun to create in the Vortex!
It's been some time since I've published a blogpost, but I've been writing in bursts. I've begun to collect snippets I've written when I'm inspired and I'm putting them together into this one post. It's been that kind of summer. I'm often happily immersed in this project or that and have given myself permission to veer. I find the arguments between me and me quite beguiling. The inspired me is all, "We're restyling the china cabinet NOW!" as the OOV* practical me retorts, "Let's vacuum, do laundry and sort mail FIRST and then you can play with all the pretty things." 

I find that if I listen to the haughty yet convincing OOV voice, I may accomplish some stuff, but it takes longer, things go wrong and I end up even more out of the Vortex. Veering is Vortextual. Here's the restyled china:

This task was totally Vortextual!

That part of me that is sometimes OOV believes that fun is antithetical to accomplishment, but when I'm in the Vortex, I fly through tasks. And since I am currently in the Vortex, I'm going to publish this post, with but one more veer:

New Zealand
South Korea

That is a list of countries that show up in the pageview stats. This is a shout out to all my readers and a warm recognition of those of you around the world who like to explore the Vortex with me. I set out on this expedition with several intentions and have reaped more than I could ever have imagined. Thank you, fellow explorers!

These are the snippets and some stop abruptly. Enjoy!

Monday, July 26th
I just pulled myself away from Photoshop where I've been employing the power the program gives me to get surreal if I want to, like I did in the picture above. I love puttering down one artistic avenue and veering off into another just because. I have this wonderful camera and a sufficient amount of skill to have fun with the learning curve I'm experiencing. Photography always fascinated me. It started with a book entitled, I believe, "The Family of Man". The only one like it that my parents owned, that book overflowed with photos of people from all over the world. I have no way of knowing how many hours, days, weeks or months I spent joyously poring over this collection, but those photos seared into my consciousness so deeply that I felt I knew the subjects personally. The skillfully rendered black and white photos schooled my eye at an intuitive level and fueled a desire to take pictures. I love to play at photography and often enter the Vortex both while capturing images and while processing them in Photoshop. 

I did get swept into the Vortex today and found myself judging the value of what I was accomplishing, which quickly got me booted out. I want to keep noticing when I'm swept in so that I can milk it once I'm in and keep practicing that vibration. I believe I'm in an extremely expansive phase right now because when I'm in or near the Vortex I feel marvelous and when I'm out it's unpleasant. In fact, I just returned from a long break from writing this post after developing a severe case of syntax anxiety. You've heard me speak of my desire to not give a rip what anyone thinks. When word worry cripples my writing I know I've taken a detour out of the Vortex and into self-consciousness, and it's time to do something else. It took time, but puttering, a pleasant phone conversation and some tea cupboard organization swept me back into this wonderful place where words sing rather than nag. 

Tuesday, July 27th
Got so tired I quit writing, but I was still in the Vortex while I readied myself for sleep. I basked in my bed for quite some time (fabulous partner was out of town) and even sang a few songs. My voice and I communed several times this week, so it was ready to go and we both enjoyed the songs. Singing in the Vortex.....mmmmmm. I don't remember my dreams exactly, just a feeling and some impressions and I awoke completely in the Vortex. I had my phone and earphones, so I meditated in bed. I've really been enjoying the General Well Being meditation for first thing in the morning. Then I milked being in there in order to practice the vibration of the Vortex. I paid attention to the elements of the environment that contributed to the feeling of being in. I focused on some friends and family and practiced seeing my Vortex versions of them. I thought about a few subjects and noticed where and how the resistance manifested. When and if it did, I refocused in a more general way or switched topics. I visited my insides and tracked sensations.

I am remembering to stop trying to get into the Vortex. If I'm really way out I might take a nap or do something completely selfish. I told a friend recently that while I think I'm quite selfish, my actions often come from a place of trying to accomplish something, often with another person or the committee in my head in mind. I may be trying to please, make an impression, or affect their judgement of me. The committee is the toughest, because they ask me to justify EVERYTHING. They would actually prefer that I punch a time clock and keep a log of all my activities to justify my worthiness. The call of Source scares them until they've been soothed and wrapped in the "warm blanket of worthiness" that Abraham mentions in the Vortex meditation. Music is one of my shortcuts into the Vortex. Recently, I lined up with the following song on a Prince album that came my way as my incredible son and I (simultaneously in the Vortex on that particular day) ran errands in Portland. Prince is apparently not just aware of the Vortex (the lyrics are all about being there), but I like to think that being in the Vortex has changed him. He has apparently loosened up about letting his music be on YouTube. I love you, Prince, and appreciate your generosity. Here's the link and the lyrics to "Future Soul Song":  

"Future Soul Song"

I had a dream last night That I was flying for the first time 
And in the dream I could pilot my flight 
With the thoughts in my mind 

Since there wasn't any up or down 
Everybody was all around 
When we sang, we all sang together 
Oh, what a beautiful sound 

Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la 
This is the future soul song 
Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la 
This is the future soul song 

I had a dream last night 
That I was singing and the sound of my voice 
Seemed to come from every mountain top 
Like it had no choice 

And when my voice rose, so did the sun 
When the trees sang the harmony as one 
Every living soul sang the most beautiful 
Melody ever sung 

Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la 
 This is the future soul song 
Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la 
This is the future soul song 

Before the war the only words and language said 
Let there be light 
Those that can see it are the ones who believe it 
And put up no fight 

And in the absence of fear and control 
Is the sound of the surrendering soul 
Louder than the dogmatic persecution 
I sing it like you got that right 

Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la 
This is the future soul song 
Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la 
This is the future soul song 

Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la 
Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la 
This is the future soul song